Triple Falls NC Dupont State Park

Triple Falls is the most beautiful and most popular falls in Dupont State Forest. The Falls consists of 3 small falls, one right after the other. You can sit on a large rock face in the middle of the falls or even have a picnic here, there is plenty of room, and you’ll have a cascade above you and below!

Location: Dupont State Forest, near Brevard, NC
Roundtrip Distance: 1 mile roundtrip from the Hooker Falls Parking lot, or 2.2 Miles Roundtrip from the High Falls Parking Lot
Difficulty: Easy – Moderate
Handicap Accessible: No
Dog Friendly: Yes
Features:Waterfall, swimming hole
Directions:Take I-40 to exit 46A for I-26 East towards Hendersonville. Take I-26 east to Exit 40. Turn right off Exit 40 onto NC 280. Take NC 280 south 16 miles to US 64. Turn left onto US 64 and go 3.7 miles to the stop light. Turn right onto Crab Creek Rd and go 4.3 miles to DuPont Road. Turn right onto DuPont Rd and go 4.2 miles. DuPont Rd becomes Staton Road. Follow Staton Road down just a little ways, and you’ll see the signed Parking area for Hooker Falls on your right. If you continue another mile, you’ll reach the High Falls parking area which has restrooms and a visitor’s center.
Recommended Gear: Good [easyazon_link keywords=”hiking boots” locale=”US” tag=”blueridgemountainlife-20″]hiking boots[/easyazon_link] or shoes, some water, and a digital camera.

Triple Falls Dupont State Forest

Triple Falls NC Dupont State Forest

Triple Falls is a gorgeous 120 foot waterfall that consists of 3 different cascades, with a large rock “shelf” in the middle that you can safely walk out onto and enjoy. 

Triple Falls NC Dupont State Forest

There are three main ways to view the falls.

The first is just before the steep (but short) climb on Hooker Falls Trail coming from the Hooker Falls parking area.  You’ll see a small unofficial trail go off to the left.  If you follow it, it will take you to a rocky area where you walk up to the rock to the lower cascade of Triple Falls.  

This is where a famous scene from the movie [easyazon_link identifier=”B0189HKELU” locale=”US” tag=”blueridgemountainlife-20″]Hunger Games[/easyazon_link] was filmed.  The scene is where Katniss was tracking Peeta, and he has hid himself in a rock opening after being injured.  They then move to a cave, which was located in the studio, and not in Dupont State Forest.

Triple Falls NC Dupont State Forest

At the top of the steep (but short) climb on Triple Falls Trail, heading towards Triple Falls, is a stair case that goes down to the left.  If you take the stair case down, it will take you out into the area between the lower falls and the middle falls.  

This is an absolutely breathtaking area, that not only gives you close access the falls, but also some great photo opportunities.  We rested here for a while, enjoying the sites, sounds and some snacks.  This is the perfect place for a family picnic.

Triple Falls NC Dupont State Forest

We saw many people here climbing on the falls here – Don’t.  Climbing the falls is incredibly dangerous and the extra view just isn’t worth your life!  Not to mention it’s against park rules, and Rangers will call you down if you catch you up on the falls.

Also, due to the strong currents, and risk of being swept down the falls, do not swim or wade in the water here.  Stay on the rocks.

The third view of Triple Falls provides a view of all three cascades, and is really fantastic.  This view is located on up the Triple Falls trail from an overlook just up from the wooden stairs.

Triple Falls NC Dupont State Forest

Triple Falls is definitely worth the visit and the short hike.  Probably one of the most beautiful waterfalls you’ll see.

This is a very popular place, especially in the summer on the weekends.   To avoid the crowds, visit on weekdays, and before 10am and after 3pm.  Photographers, to get shots without people in them, arrive before 9am, or very late in the evening after 6pm.  

Fall colors here are absolutely gorgeous.  Peak colors can be scene at the end of October into early November.  If you can visit then, do so, the park is beautiful and full of color!  Most of the photos in this article were taken during the early Fall.

Triple Falls is part of the Dupont State Park waterfalls trail where you can see 6 different waterfalls, and 3 of them within a few short distance of each other.

Triple Falls and the Hunger Games Movie

As mentioned above, Triple Falls was a the filming location for a few key scenes from the movie Hunger Games.   Two notable scenes filmed here are where Katniss is crossing over a creek/waterfall and the scene where Peeta is injured, and hiding in a rock crevice, but camouflaged.  You can clearly see Triple Falls in the background.

Many other scenes from the movie where filmed here at Dupont State Forest as well.

Triple Falls Photo Gallery

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Triple Falls Video

About the author

Larry Deane is co-owner of Blue Ridge Mountain Life. He has spent more than 20 years exploring the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and has a deep passion for nature, history, storytelling, and adventure. Along with his wife Jenn, they combined these passions to create Blue Ridge Mountain Life, a travel guide to these stunning mountains they are fortunate to call home.

Larry has more than 20 years of experience as a writer and journalist, and has established himself as a leading voice and expert for Blue Ridge Mountains. He is also an avid hiker, photographer, and videographer. He loves sharing his mountain adventures and knowledge with more than 500,000 people per month on Blue Ridge Mountain Life.


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